PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation
The Island Magazine Issue 24
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Articles included in this issue:
- The Posse Comitatus Incident of 1865 written by Ian Ross Robertson
- The Survivor: The Wreck and the Salvage of the Turret Bell written by Adele Townshend
- Panorama for Sale: The Bird's Eye Views of Prince Edward Island written by H.T. Holman
- Cows and Convalescents: Government House as Health and Education Centre, 1917-1924 written by Randolph W. Manning
- Alberton: Hub of the West written and illustrated by Robert C. Tuck
- Roads Less Travelled By: Scenic Heritage Roads of Prince Edward Island written by Fred Horne and Jackie Waddell
- That Mark Our Place: Island War Dead in Europe Part One: The Second World War compiled by Elmer Phillips and Tanton McNeill, introduction by Edward MacDonald